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Gladiator II UHD Dolby Vision Review ON Apple TV

Gladiator II Review

The sands of the past are once again in view as Gladiator II storms onto Apple TV in stunning Dolby Vision but maybe a little to quick from cinema release to normal price rental streaming. This sequel trades Maximus’s tale of vengeance for a fresh new saga of old overdone topics of bravery and honor, capturing the raw intensity and grand spectacle of gladiators like never before as they did not do it any justice. I am not sure who they were trying to fool with this movie.

Apple TV worked perfectly.


We Have No Connection To Any Parties Listed In This Article About The Movie. This is our opinion of what we perceive about the movie and its production.

Not Russell Crowe Gladiator

This is no Gladiator With Russell Crowe Movie. I was not a big fan of that movie either but this Part II is a disaster movie for all the wrong reasons. It feels like a scary movie version of Gladiator

Sets Fight More With CGI Than The Movie

This movie theoretically had magnificent sets and larger-than-life scenes but with strange and almost unfinished CGI rendering, the sets are out of place and in lots of scenes they have not bothered to clean up brand new pieces of machine cut wood especially in the first battle scene on the boats.

Gladiator II UHD Dolby Vision Review ON Apple TV
Gladiator II UHD Dolby Vision Review ON Apple TV

Building Character From Over Dialogue

Intricate characters are introduced as new faces alongside familiar ones and maybe too familiar which makes it too complicated to work out the basics. The strange scripting that also makes the movie too long and over-scripted makes the film feel a bit try-hard.

Where Am I?

While not always accurate, or I’ll even go further to this, it’s more a strange nothing movie, the film has taken inspiration from historical places and events for its narrative and made it into this strange mess.

The ensemble cast delivers exceptionally forgettable, if not patronizing performances from certain quality actors.

Cinematography & Editing – You Cannot Lux Over This

The cinematography and visual effects that are meant to impress leave you thinking are they just monkeying around, especially the scenes with the monkeys. The battle scenes are not like the first movie with a bit of grit and showmanship. This part II is an idea that goes with the number it has. It lacks depth and choreography and lots of the fight scenes that have impact blows do not land and are missed in lots of instances by at least a foot. This is not good from a choreography or editing viewpoint.

Was This Movie Rushed To Be Completed

A captivating storyline this misses with. This is a movie that theoretically had a very long run-up and then pre-production but it feels like this was done last minute with all production and then was cost-cut on post-production after time ran out. It has huge sets and lots of work but it feels from this set-up to production and post-production was rushed.

This Was No Classic Like Blade Runner Or Alien

This is a Ridley Scott Film which should not be just consistent but with his skills as director, this should be meticulous in all areas. He should not fail in bringing this script to life. He even directed one of the most complicated Apple ads in the world ever. This movie should not come from a great director.

Gladiator II
Gladiator II

The Ghostly Musical Score & Music – It Did Not Exist

Gladiator had a stirring strong musical score that complemented the original film’s epic nature but this movie lacks emotional music atmosphere. The first film’s music made the film have that roller coaster feeling. This 2024 film has nothing but sloppy music placement

The Lucky Ones

The intense action sequences are thrilling to watch if you think the movie is a comedy but if you do not you will find this movie either hard to watch or you are one of those lucky people who can watch movies for just entertainment.

The Budget Of this Film Should Limit Faults

The set designs as mentioned before have issues which you can live with if it was a lower budget film but this film is big budget and the sets are not good enough and even worse they know what this looks like through a lens.

Costume design is ok in the film and is intricate but not the best.

The Filming

I have heard that this movie was shot on two different types of stunning cameras ARRI Alexa LF and Sony Venice cameras. This could be the start of some of the picture issues as these cameras can focus very sharply with a huge depth of field and big color gamuts and they were set up in the sharpest quality possible as you can see in the film. You can see in lots of scenes this is too sharp for the movie it is making so it gives you details all over the place that come alive in your picture but if you then enter in unrendered or not quality CGI you get these strange issues of fake-looking objects or bad choreography.

The 4k Streamed Picture Quality

The picture quality of this 4k transfer on this movie is sharp and clarity is perfect as you can see too much and absorb the information too quickly.

The Streaming Sound Quality

The sound quality is ok but it is not the loudest movie I have ever watched on streaming. The words can all be heard but with no sharp definition and certain bangs went off like a tennis ball in tennis. This may be very different on a different platform or on the 4k disc when it comes out.

What Are You In For

The opening scene in the movie sort of sets what you are in for. The movie has credits done with a templated paint brush image converter which is so unprofessional it is amazing but then they do a tacky idea of adding the Roman numeral two into the name for the I. The title of the movie before it even starts has a spelling mistake done on purpose. GLADIIATOR – Look at it and tell me which management team would say let’s go with this.


Gladiator II starts off bad and does not repair no matter how exotic the zoo gets or how long or big the fight scenes get. I do feel sorry for the movie as the sets in real life were big and grand but they could not merge it together with all the other facets. It had a massive team that worked on it and I am not sure they will get the credit they deserved for the skills they have used. And making a sequel after so long with weaker character design and strange new ways to prove the film with water sequences just made it feel like it had no major direction to go to get to the correct direction. The first movie was ok from my point of view but against this film it would make the first Gladiator a masterpiece. This movie has issues and had very little to get a sequel from and they should have known but I am not sure if this movie was going for easy audience and easy money.

#GladiatorII #GladiatorMovie #Gladiator2Review

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